Embrace Your Pace
Product: Website
Complete Website Development: Branding and Planning Consultation, site structure mapping, branded design concepts, completed website design, mobile responsive, and accessible website design.
The Problem
The Embrace Your Pace website which was initially built primarily for merchandise sales lacked organization and provided little to no interaction for its users over time. EYP wanted a website that would not only provide useful information to their users about what it means to Embrace Your Pace, but also as a hub for continuous content, and a place where they can learn more about the services offered.
The Goal
Design a mobile responsive website that can clearly communicate EYP’s unique products and services. Through a seamless user interface, new and existing customers will be able to develop an understanding of EYP through an exclusive user hub, that will further promote EYP’s high quality of service and expertise.

Embrace Your Pace Website Concept Design Creation

<- Initial Home Page Design
Final Home Page Design ->

<- EYP Community landing page for non-logged in users
My EYP- community page for logged in users ->
