Perdido Key Area Chamber of Commerce
Perdido Chamber:
- Website Redesign
- Membership Materials
- Reports
- Events
Visit Perdido:
- Website Redesign
- Digital Media Content
- Visitor Guide Content + Editorial Management, 5 years
Perdido Chamber Foundation:
- Logo Design
- Website Design
- Preserve our Beach Campaign
Perdido Chamber
The Perdido Chamber brand is the primary base for chamber business, membership information, civic relations, and community information. Therefore, I redesigned the website to fulfill the needs of the members and community while professionally representing the chamber. In addition, I created the membership materials and reports for membership packets and meetings.
Visit Perdido
Visit Perdido is the brand that represents the tourism outlet for Perdido Key. This brand has a large online following and is very important for the many tourism-related businesses in the coastal town. The website displays valuable information for visitors looking to book their trip to Perdido Key while highlighting the local businesses. I also managed the content for the annual printed Perdido Key Area Guide for five straight years. This guide is the primary business directory and area magazine for Perdido Key.